Le Temps des Cerises

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I Arrived in a Snowstorm

Paris life is just my cup of tea, but I have to admit I hada pretty surprising start. Being an Upmarket Pet, naturally I'm a poised, worldly individual who adapted with the greatest of ease, to a life of well, ease, strolling the Paris streets, being adored by cafe waiters, who serve me first before my mum. However, it has to be said the first snows of my experience were a little bit of a shock to me. I arrived on the 1st day of the year of the very cold winter of 03. Once we'd sorted out all the formalities getting me home in my crate in a taxi, and my mum was free to take me outside for the first time in over a day - it is a loooooooong plane ride from where I come from - I was surprised to discover that it was not only no longer summer, with no sun shining, and a grey leaden sky, but cold whirling flakes were falling on me thick and fast, and I was wading through the damn things. Paw deep in freezing cold snow! I didn't have a vast experience of snow in my Melbourne years - I should say my Melbourne year as I'd only had one of them, being before that time a mere twinkle etc.
Naturally I was not putting up with this sort of nonsense so I had to get my mum to carry me.

I got used to it all later. In no time at all I was gambolling through the snow in the Bois de Boulogne, but that first day was a shock which I won't forget.

We had snow again this winter. In my little Montmartre garden - alright in my little ONLY-A SHORT-FIFTEEN MINUTE HIKE UP A VERY STEEP HILL TO MONTMARTRE garden if you must be picky. This was Phoebe;s (she's my big sister, and she's ...well you know big sisters. What can you say?) first experience of snow but of course I was an old hand and chuckled at her picking her way gingerly through the shallow drifts sniffing cautiously as she went. I'll show you the photos soon!

Cafe Life

I have to say that it is quite a doggie's paradise here in Paris.There isn't a restaurant in the city which shuts its doors to me and a walk out at the weekend with my Mum is hardly complete without a stop in cafe, preferably one with a resident dog so I can have a chat. I do like to have a nice croissant and creme of a Saturday morning. Sometimes my Mum has got only walking on her mind, or even WORSE only shopping, and I have to remind her quite firmly that we need a coffee break. I do this quite simply by heading determinedly towards the inviting looking cafe doorway of my choice, and gazing inwards. I just hold this stance while my mum goes though her little routine. "Cherry we're not stopping for a coffee. Cherry we can't afford a coffee today. Cherry we need to look for SHOES. Cherry come on, come, come good girl. Oh alright then, let's have a coffee. Will that table there do" ? Ah, bliss the required stop has been achieved. Told you. She's a complete pushover. Now all I need to do is get the waiter's attention for my bowl of water, speak with the resident dog, and await the crumbs under the table. Ah cafe life. Took to it like a duck to water.">

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Cherry the Wonderdog

Has it been done yet? Has a pooch taken pen to paw and blogged? When my Mummy suggested that a pup could amuse herself, in those lazy afternoon hours after her Uncle Wilfred had left her tucked up in her cosy canape chez elle, I scoffed. What did I think blogging was a bad idea? No, no. I scoffed. My food. I always scoff my food and when she was asking me that question, I happened to be eating my remaining dinner. OK Phoebe's remaining dinner. Mummy? Uncle Wilfrid? Phoebe? I'm not explaining myself very well here am I`? OK OK. I think I am going to have to go back to the very beginning, and, as there isn't any more food to finish up right now, and it might be oh half an hour or more before I manage to find something more - trailing after my mum to catch crumbs when she's in the kitchen for example ; kitchen crumb catching is one of my favourite activities - well, where was I? Oh yes as it might be half an hour before I manage to find something further to eat, I might as well start now... they call me Cherry the Wonderdog - and I live in Paris.